Tuesday, November 7, 2017


this morning i've been thinking a lot about photography, watercolors, and writing. i feel like i've interacted with all 3 pretty regularly, but have never advanced past the beginning phase of a lot of interest, and very little tangible talent. i want to take better photos; better composed, that use light better, and shadow and colors and scenes. how do you do this?

i want to write about my life with more than just rote description of what happened. i want to write more about my emotions, how i feel. what;s the point in blandly showcasing what has happened to me if i'm not writing how i experience what;s around me.

and it's time for more watercolors, less abstract, i'd like to do more detailed. perhaps even more on color theory. i think i'll get some watercolor paper next time i'm in town.

i've really got to write this philosophy essay, and clean my room. and then slowly think about other things. but i got some really yummy, crisp and warm, purple halloween tea from david's tea over cas week. i was very happy.

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Hey! writing this from the observatory: the wind is picking up and my fingers are starting to swell slightly, so this may be briefer than ...