Sunday, November 5, 2017


this morning, i woke up to a hazy blue sky from the window above my bed. it was a comforting, pleasant sight, after a day of grey rain. i stood up, and saw white specks covering the roofs of the buildings around me. it was euphoric, pretty, calm, and special. snow had finally stuck to the roofs. its snowed a few times this week, but never stuck.

now, i'm sitting in the corner of the library, trying to stop thinking about things, to distract my mind. outside the window, golden sunlight is streaming in even though its past sunrise. it reminds me of my first day at pearson, warm summer sun and green.

the snow is slowly melting off the roofs now.

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Hey! writing this from the observatory: the wind is picking up and my fingers are starting to swell slightly, so this may be briefer than ...