And like that it comes to a close. Or half of it does. After two weeks of exams - a blur of studying, late nights and endless food consumption, the final weekend flashed by in too little time. I feel exhausted just thinking about it, and tears threaten to fall if I recall the faces of that weekend.
It feels so unfair - only 2 days to say goodbye to people whom you've lived with for 9 months. 2 days to spend time with everyone you love "one last time" before who knows when. It's incredibly stressful; plus there is a lot of scheduled and planned things - house barbecues, cleanup and packing, etc. Everything doesn't seem real; it all feels like just another day
And now I'm on my way home to Singapore, where I haven't been since last August. I am frankly terrified. What will it be like? No way the same, but maybe familiar? I can only hope so.
I've been home now for two and a half weeks. I've started working at a theatre company as part of my Extended Home Service. I'm trying hard to be happy, to skype friends, write to them... yet the days are filled with innate sadness somehow. It hurts to remind yourself of goodbyes, yet the mind inevitably drifts to them. More updates soon: I still feel like a first year, and don't know how I'll be anything else.